
for the Chopin Online Catalog of the collection of early editions
of the works of Frédéric Chopin in the University of Chicago Library

Chopin references

There is a separate list of General references.

BELOTTI Gastone. Saggi sull’arte e sull’opera de F. Chopin. Bologna: Antiquae Musicae Italicae Studiosi, 458 pp., 1977.

BORY Robert. La Vie de Frédéric Chopin par l’Image. Paris: Horizons de France, 218 pp., n.d. [1951].

British Library. The Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Library to 1980. Laureen Baillie, main editor. Volume 12. London: Sauer, 380 pp., 1982.

BRONARSKI Ludwik. Etudes sur Chopin, 2 vols. Lausanne: La Concorde, 181 pp., 1944; 175 pp., 1946.

BROWN Maurice J. E. “The posthumous publication of Chopin’s songs”. The Musical Quarterly, 42, 51–65, 1956.

————. “Chopin and his English publisher.”. Music and Letters, 39, 363–371, 1958.

————. Chopin. An index of his works in chronological order. Second edition. London: Macmillan, 214 pp., 1972.

BURGER Ernst. Frédéric Chopin. Eine Lebenschronik in Bildern und Dokumenten. München: Hirmer, 358 pp., 1990.

CHECHLINSKA Zofia, Zbigniew SKORON, & Hanna WROBLEWSKA-STRAUS (editors). Fryderyk Chopin. Life – Works – Tradition. Warsaw: Frédéric Chopin Society in Warsaw,, n.d.

CHOMIŃSKI Jósef Michal & Teresa Dalila TURLO. Katalog Dziel Fryderyka Chopina. A Catalogue of the Works of Frederick Chopin. Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 518 pp., 1990.

CHOPIN Frédéric. Selected Correspondence of Fryderyk Chopin. Abridged from Fryderyk Chopin’s correspondence, collected and annotated by Bronislaw Edward SYDOW. Translated and edited, with additional material and a commentary, by Arthur HEDLEY. London: McGraw Hill, 400 pp., 1963.

————. Chopin’s Letters. Collected by Henryk OPIENSKI. Translated, with a preface and editorial notes, by E. L. VOYNICH. New York: Dover, 424 pp., 1988.

Digital Library Development Center. Chopin Early Editions. Chicago: University of Chicago Library,, n.d.

DULEBA Wladyslaw. Chopin. Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 307 pp., 1975.

EIGELDINGER Jean-Jacques. Chopin: pianist and teacher as seen by his pupils. Translated by Naomi SHOHET, edited by Roy HOWAT. Cambridge: University Press, 324 pp., 1986.

—————. “Chopin and ‘La Note Bleue’: An interpretation of the Prelude Op. 45”. Music and Letters, 78, 233–253, 1997.

GOLDBERG Halina. “Chamber arrangements of Chopin’s concert works”. Journal of Musicology, 19, 39–84, 2002.

—————. The Age of Chopin. Interdisciplinary Inquiries. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 368 pp., 2004.

GRABOWSKI Christophe. L’Ouevre de Frédéric Chopin dans l’édition française, 3 vols. Thése de doctorat en musicologie, L’Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne, 1992.

—————. The Original French Editions of Fryderyk Chopin’s Music. Translated from the French by Katharine TYLKO-HILL. Supplement to Chopin Studies, vol. 4. Warsaw: Towarzystwo im. Fryderyka Chopina, 42 pp., 1994. (This is an English summary of the doctoral thesis cited above. The French summary was published later (next entry).)

—————. “Les Éditions originales françaises des œuvres de Frédéric Chopin”. Revue de Musicologie, 88, 213–243, 1996.

—————. “Wessel’s Complete Collection of the Compositions of Frederic Chopin: the history of a title page”. Early Music, 29, 425–433, 2001.

—————. The works of Frédéric Chopin. Score editions and editorial traditions. Editions published after the expiration of copyright. Warsaw: Frédéric Chopin Society in Warsaw,, n.d.

GRABOWSKI Christophe & John RINK. Annotated Catalogue of Chopin’s First Editions. Cambridge: University Press, forthcoming 2007.

HIGGINS Thomas (editor). Chopin. Preludes, Opus 28. New York: Norton, 101 pp., 1973.

[HOBOKEN Anthony]. Katalog der Sammlung Anthony van Hoboken in der Musiksammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Band 4: Johannes Brahms, Frédéric Chopin. Karin BREITNER & Thomas LEIBNITZ, editors. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 226 pp., 1986.

HORDYNSKI Wladyslaw (editor). Fryderyk Chopin. Krakowiak. Grand Rondeau de Concert. Kraków: Polskie Wydanwnictwo Muzyczne, vii + 75 pp., 1953.

KALLBERG Jeffrey. Review of: Krystyna Kobylanska, “Frédéric Chopin: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis”, edited by Ernst Hettrich, translated by Helmut Stolze. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 34, 357–365, 1981.

—————. The Chopin Sources: Variants and Versions in Later Manuscripts and Printed Editions. Chicago: University of Chicago doctoral dissertation, 399 pp., 1982.

—————. “Chopin in the marketplace: Aspects of the international publishing industry in the first half of the nineteenth century. Part I: France and England. Part II: The German-speaking states.”. Music Library Association Notes, 39, 535–569, 795–824, 1983.

—————. Chopin at the Boundaries. Sex, History, and Musical Genre. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 301 pp., 1996.

—————. “ ‘Voice’ and the nocturne”. In Pianist, Scholar, Connoisseur. Essays in Honor of Jacob Lateiner, edited by Bruce Brubaker & Jane Gottlieb. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, Festschrift Series No. 15, pp. 1–46, 2000.

—————. “Chopin’s March, Chopin’s Death”. 19th Century Music, 25, 3–26, 2001.

—————. “Chopin and the fragment”. In Chopin’s Work. His Inspirations and Creative Process in the Light of the Sources, Artur Szklener, editor, pp. 127–141. Warsaw: Naradowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, 2003.

KOBYLANSKA Krystyna. Frédéric Chopin: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, edited by Ernst HETTRICH, translated by Helmut STOLZE. Munich: Henle, 362 pp. 1979.

NIECKS Frederick. Frederick Chopin. As a man and musician. Two volumes. London: Novello, Ewer & Co., 340 pp., 375 pp., 1888. (Reprinted by Paganiniana Publications, Neptune City, N. J., n.d.)

PAUL Oscar. “Thematisches Verzeichnis der in Deutschland im Druck erscheinen Instrumental-Compositionen von Friedr. Chopin, mit Beiflügung der Textanfänge seiner Lieder.”. Musikalisches Wochenblatt, 4 January 1870, 16 pp., 1870.

PLATZMAN George W. A Descriptive Catalog of Early Editions of the Works of Frédéric Chopin in the University of Chicago Library, second edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Library, 356 pp. 2003.

—————. Chopin Online Catalog, fifth edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Networking Services and Information Technologies,, March 2007.

RINK John. Chopin: The Piano Concertos. Cambridge: University Press, 139 pp., 1997.

ROSENBLUM, Sandra P. “ ‘A composer known but to few’: The reception and performance styles of Chopin’s music in America, 1839–1900”. In The Age of Chopin. Interdisciplinary Inquiries, edited by Halina Goldberg. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 314–353, 2004.

SAMSON Jim. The Music of Chopin. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 243 pp., 1994 (paperback reprint of Routledge 1985 edition).

—————. Chopin: The Four Ballades. Cambridge: University Press, 104 pp., 1992.

————— (editor). The Cambridge Companion to Chopin. Cambridge: University Press, 341 pp., 1992.

————. Chopin. New York: Schirmer, 322 pp., 1996.

SMIALEK William. Frédéric Chopin. A Guide to Research. New York: Garland Publishing, 190 pp., 2000.

WEINSTOCK Herbert. Chopin. The man and his music. New York: Knopf, 336 + xxii pp., 1965.

General references

There is a separate list of Chopin references.

[AACR2] American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, 2002 revision. Chicago: American Library Association, 750 pp., 2002. (See also Schultz & Shaw, below.)

Bibliographic Control Committee. Sheet Music Cataloging Guidelines (proposed). Chicago: Music Library Association,, 1996.

CARTER John. ABC for Book Collectors, seventh edition, with corrections, additions and an introduction by Nicolas BARKER. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 223 pp., 1995.

DEAVILLE James. “Publishing paraphrases and creating collectors: Friedrich Hofmeister, Franz Liszt, and the technology of popularity”. Preprint, 10 pp., 1999.

DEUTSCH Otto Erich. Musikverlags Nummern. Eine Auswahl von 40 datierten Listen 1710–1900, second edition. Berlin: Merseburger, 32 pp., 1961.

————. “Music Bibliography and Catalogues”. The Library, 23, 151–170, 1943.

DEVRIÈS Anik & François LESURE. Dictionnaire des éditeurs de musique français. Volume II. De 1820 à 1914. Geneva: Éditions Minkoff, 509 pp., 1988.

DICHTER Harry & Elliott SHAPIRO. Early American Sheet Music. Its Lure and Its Lore 1768–1889. New York: Bowker, 287 pp., 1941.

FULD James J. The Book of World-Famous Music. Classical, popular and folk, third edition. New York: Dover, 714 pp., 1988.

GASKELL Philip. A new Introduction to Bibliography (reprint of the 1974 edition). New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press (and Winchester: St. Paul’s Bibliographies), 438 pp., 1995.

GLAISTER Geoffrey Ashall. Encyclopedia of the Book, second edition, with a new introduction by Donald Farren. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press (and London: British Library), 551 pp., 1996.

HABERKAMP Gertraut. Die Erstdrucke der Werke von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 2 vols. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 495 pp., 388 pp., 1986.

HOLOMAN D. Kern. Catalogue of the Works of Hector Berlioz. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 527 pp., 1987.

HOPKINSON Cecil. “The fundamentals of music bibliography”. Journal of Documentation, 11, 119–129, 1955.

————. A Bibliography of the Musical and Literary Works of Hector Berlioz (1803–1869). With histories of the French music publishers concerned, second edition, edited by Richard MACNUTT. Tunbridge Wells: Richard Macnutt, 230 pp., 1980.

HUMPHRIES Charles & William C. SMITH. Music Publishing in the British Isles from the beginning until the middle of the nineteenth century. A dictionary of engravers, printers, publishers, and music sellers, with a historical introduction, second edition, with supplement. Oxford: Blackwell, 392 pp., 1970.

HUNTER David. “Bibliographical Description of Opera and Song Books Issued in England 1703–1726.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 83, 311–335, 1989.

JENSEN Luke. Giuseppe Verdi & Giovanni Ricordi with Notes on Francesco Lucca. From Oberto to La Traviata. New York: Garland, 456 pp., 1989.

JOHNS Adrian. The Nature of the Book. Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 753 pp., 1998.

KRUMMEL D. W. (compiler). Guide for Dating Early Published Music. A Manual of Bibliographical Practices. Hackensack: Boonin (and Kassel: Bärenreiter), 268 pp., 1974.

————. “Supplement to the Guide for Dating Early Published Music”. Fontes Artis Musicae, 24, 175–184, 1977.

————. “Review of: Catalogue of the Works of Hector Berlioz, by D. Kern Holoman.” Journal of the American Musicological Society, 43, 367–375, 1990.

————. The Literature of Music Bibliography. Berkeley: Fallen Leaf, 447 pp., 1992.

KRUMMEL D.W. & Stanley SADIE (editors). Music Printing and Publishing. New Grove Handbooks in Music. New York: Norton, 615 pp., 1990.

LENNEBERG Hans. “Dating engraved music: The present state of the art”. Library Quarterly, 41, 128–140, 1971.

————. “The haunted bibliographer”. Music Library Association Notes, 41, 239–248, 1984.

————. Breitkopf und Härtel in Paris. The Letters of their Agent Heinrich Probst between 1833 and 1840. Stuyvesant NY: Pendragon Press, 130 pp., 1990.

Library of Congress. Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, second edition. Washington: Library of Congress, 113 pp., 1991.

McMILLAN Barclay. “Tune-book imprints in Canada to 1867: A descriptive bibliography”. Papers of the Bibliographic Society of Canada, 16, 31–57, 1977.

NEIGHBOUR O. W. & Alan TYSON. English Music Publishers’ Plate Numbers in the first Half of the Nineteenth Century. London: Faber & Faber, 43 pp., 1991.

RANDEL Don Michael. The New Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 942 pp., 1986.

ROSEN Charles. The Romantic Generation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 723 pp., 1995.

ROSS Ted. The Art of Music Engraving and Processing. London: Hansen, 278 pp., 1970.

SADIE Stanley (editor). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan, 20 vols., 1995.

SCHULTZ Lois & Sarah SHAW. Cataloging Sheet Music. Guidelines for Use with AACR2 and the MARC Format. Music Library Association Technical Reports, No. 28. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, xi + 206 pp., 2003.

SMIRAGLIA Richard P. Music Cataloging. The Bibliographic Control of Printed and Recorded Music in Libraries. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 222 pp., 1989.

Special Collections Research Center. Chicago: University of Chicago Library., n.d.

TWYMAN Michael. Early Lithographed Music, a study based on the H. Baron collection. London: Farrand Press, 578 pp., 1996.

TYSON Alan. The Authentic English Editions of Beethoven. London: Faber & Faber, 152 pp., 1963.

WILLIAMSON Rosemary. William Sterndale Bennett. A Descriptive Thematic Catalogue. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 567 pp., 1996.